This morning is reading an expression of the heart of a friend FB about his nation. Our thoughts are the same. Highly educated, fluent in English but loves to write and speak in his mother tongue. The symbol of Malay identity is high. His expression was very accurate. It is the expression of the same heart by Zaaba, Dato Onn Jaafar Yusof (founder of Utusan Melayu) and, Dr Mahathir before he began to be amazed by the DAP.

However, Dato Onn and Dr Mahathir are not a Malay identity. One Turkish mixed blood and another Indian mixture. We should have this as a Malay identity required is more to the fore of the Malay blend in championing and defending our nation's fate. But sadly, those are all empty dreams.

They are today busy raising foreign nations and condemning their government without end. And this opportunity is taken as wide as possible by foreigners to underestimate further this weak nation. Malay heartbreaking stories never ended since there 500 years ago.

China once lost Hong Kong and Macau to foreigners but eventually regained it. Taiwan remained in command by its nation. But the Malays lost Singapore forever and Penang de facto is no longer ours. There is no end to the story of grief. Only God's grace is the result of the prayers of the believers in this country, so we still have a country.

Without God, we are no longer anyone on this earth, just like passengers.

Rayyan Adam

January 27, 2021


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